GM Recalls 2021 SUVs with Damaged 3rd Row Seat Belts

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#recall #airbags-seat-belts
Looking back towards the second and third row seats of a GM SUV with white interior.

GM thinks the 3rd row seat belts in their 2021 SUVs could have been damaged during installation. The belts were misrouted behind the seat-folding mechanism and a recall wants to inspect and replace them if neccessary. Even if the belts don't look damaged to you, this is a classic better-safe-than-sorry situation.

What the Belt, GM?

  • The affected Cadillac models are the 2021 Escalade and Escalade ESV.
  • These SUVs were previously recalled because GM might have used the wrong seat belt bolts. Not the best year for seat belt fans.
  • The recall (#N202313000) is expected to begin on May 3rd, 2021.
This post originally appeared on

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